Meet Zach, a 2019 senior from Spokane High School. He listens to classic rock with a little bit of metal and soft rock thrown in to spice it up a little bit. Think Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Eagles and Fleetwood Mac, mingled with some Metallica, Black Sabbath, Dio and a bit of America, and Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam) to smooth it out. When I asked if he had any thoughts about where he wanted to have his senior portraits done he chose The Hotel Vandivort in Springfield, Missouri. (Pinch me, I loved that location!!) We also stepped across the street and grabbed a few photos at Stick It In Your Ear music store.
He likes what most guys his age and hanging out with friends (which he plans to enjoy until he goes off to college) but the unique thing about Zach is his interest in politics. Most at this stage in life are worried about so many other things to take more than a passing interest in the political world. These days the political realm is fraught with hidden mines of untruths, squabbles and manipulation of all kinds. So it is incredibly refreshing to see this level of concern at such an early stage, to the extent that he is committed to entering his adult life as a public servant. Zach says he became interested during the 2016 election as he was old enough to engage himself in the process and found it polarizing as did many.
Senior Portraits at The Vandivort Hotel in Springfield
When I asked if he had any thoughts about where he wanted to have his senior portraits done he chose The Hotel Vandivort in Springfield, Missouri. (Pinch me, I loved that location!!) It was one of the newest boutique hotels to open in Springfield. They have so many unique features and amenities but one of the things they are super well known for is the #vandivortbathroomselfie. Their hotel is super cool, and they recently added the Vantage Rooftop Bar.
Zach's Future plans after High School
When I asked him what he felt some of the nations biggest issues were he placed healthcare and the environment at the top of his list with immigration issues being used to distract the public from more pressing national and global concerns.
No matter the level of politics Zach would like to see our problems being solved with better education and effective management of misinformation. If a better understanding existed we could join together better to find solutions instead of quarreling over petty differences.
Many years down the road he wishes to be remembered for doing the right thing when it counts, and having a positive impact on those around him. In my book that makes Zach Short someone to keep an eye on in the future! All the best in your future endeavors Zach!